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New Forró Classes on Wednesdays in Central London

We’re delighted to announce that from 8 January 2025, Forró Academy will be running forró classes for beginners on Wednesday evenings at Danceworks in central London.

The classes will cover the basics of forró, including fundamental steps, posture, and rhythm. You’ll be guided through each movement, helping you build a strong foundation.

You do not need to bring a partner to the class – rotation of partners is encouraged and so you’ll get to dance with other class participants.

Danceworks is one of London’s leading dance venues, with state-of-the-art dance facilities and a rich and diverse programme of classes for dance enthusiasts.

Situated just a stone’s throw from Oxford Street in London’s West End, the venue is easily accessible by public transport.

If you have any questions regarding Forró Academy’s forró classes for beginners at Danceworks, please don’t hesistate to contact us.

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